The Downhall Park Surgery team are committed to provide high quality care.
We will put our patients first, respecting individuality and dignity
We are open from 8:30am to 6:30pm Monday to Friday and closed at weekends and Public Holidays..
(We run a late surgery from 6:30pm to 8:00pm – booked appointments only)
Dr Indra Jayaweera M.B.B.S., L.R.C.P., M.R.C.S (U.K.), D.C.H. (U.K.),M.R.C.G.P Diploma in Therapeutics (Cardiff), . Diploma in Dermatology, Certificate in Diabetes (Warrick) |
Dr N Patel MBChB MRCGP |
Weekend GP & Nurse Appointments
GP practices in Castle Point and Rochford are now offering pre-booked weekend appointments through the Rayleigh and District PCN. GP and practice nurse appointments are available at either Audley Mills Surgery or Jones Family practice on alternating weekends.
Clinics & Services
We provide an extensive range of clinical services.
Change of Address
It is very important that we hold a correct address and telephone number for you. If either of these change please notify us.
Register with our practice
Patients wishing to register with our Surgery will need to complete a registration form, which you can download or request from one of our Receptionists.
Repeat Prescriptions
Our patients are able to order repeat prescription items online. These items are listed on the right hand side of your repeat prescription computer slip.
NHS 111 online – Get help for your symptoms
If you think you need medical help right now, 111 online can tell you what to do next.